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Home » Hunting Catalogue – Cape Eland
When hunting an eland in South Africa, shot placement is crucial to ensure an ethical and effective kill.
Eland are large and robust antelope, known for their toughness and resilience. Proper shot placement is essential to quickly and humanely bring down the animal.
The Cape Eland is one of the largest antelopes in the world and is found in savannas and grasslands of southern and eastern Africa. They can weigh up to 2,000 pounds and stand up to six feet tall at the shoulder. Cape Elands are herbivores, feeding on leaves, shoots, and grasses, and are known for their ability to survive in arid areas by obtaining moisture from the plants they eat. They have impressive spiral-shaped horns that can grow up to three feet long and are used for defence against predators and for dominance displays during mating season. Interestingly,
Cape Elands are known for their remarkable jumping ability and can clear fences up to seven feet tall from a standing position. They also have a distinctive vocalisation known as a “moaning” sound, which is used for communication within their herds. Despite their size and strength, Cape Elands are vulnerable to habitat loss and hunting, and conservation efforts are underway to protect their populations.
When the eland is standing broadside, take the shot perpendicular to the animal’s body. Aim just behind the shoulder, roughly one-third up from the bottom of the chest cavity. This position provides a clear path to the vital organs and increases the chances of a clean and effective kill.
The ideal shot placement for eland, as with most big game, is to target the vitals, which include the heart and lungs. Aim for the center of the chest, slightly behind the shoulder, to hit the vital organs. This shot placement ensures rapid incapacitation and a quick kill.
If the eland is quartering away from you, aim slightly behind the shoulder on the side facing away from you. This shot placement allows for the bullet to penetrate the vital organs and potentially exit on the opposite side, increasing the chances of a clean and lethal shot.
When it comes to hunting eland in South Africa, it is important to select a caliber that offers sufficient power and penetration to effectively take down this large and robust antelope. Eland are known for their size and toughness, so choosing an appropriate caliber is crucial for a successful hunt.
The following calibers are commonly recommended for hunting eland in South Africa:
Remember to use premium-grade ammunition designed for hunting purposes, such as controlled-expansion bullets, to ensure optimal performance and clean kills. Shot placement is crucial, and targeting the vitals, such as the heart and lungs, is recommended for quick and ethical takedowns.
It is essential to consult with experienced professional hunters or outfitters who can provide specific recommendations based on the hunting conditions, your shooting proficiency, and personal preferences. They will consider factors like bullet selection, shot placement, and the specific requirements of your hunting situation to ensure a successful and responsible eland hun
SAPS Ammunition and Import Permits **NB**with regard to SAPS ammunition and rifle import permits please complete the form carefully in order to avoid long delays at the airport. Obtain an export permit from your local authorities. Forward the necessary signed documentation to our address We will on your behalf obtain the local required paperwork.
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